This season make your Santa visit magical

The Santa Experience is a passionate, small business that specializes in appointment based in-person and virtual Santa visits offering unique Santa photos, video, and fun Christmas merchandise.


The Visit


Sign up to visit Santa (virtually or in-person) at a time that is convenient with your busy schedule


Enjoy a unique and more private in-person visit with Santa as a family, or virtually from the comfort of your home.


Shop for your favorite Santa photos, video and merchandise in our store and on our website

Shop Your Favorite Santa’s Workshop – CLOSED – email for assistance

Santa Sid

Santa Jon

Santa Sam

Santa Larry


Themed Photo Contest!

DEC 10-DEC 25

Best Meme, Most Creative
Humorous and Adorable pictures
will win a Family Fun Day on us!

Enter in store, on our Instagram
or Facebook pages.

Special Needs Visit!

DEC 10-DEC 25

Pet Night

DEC 12

Need help planning your visit?